That's awesome. I've never been a retro collector, but I kept my Zapper and my NES around for longer than my SNES and N64, solely to play Zapper games. I sold all my other NES titles, just keeping Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, and Gumshoe, since there was no other way to recreate those experiences. I didn't ditch them until around 2006-2007 when I finally moved on from my CRT.
One time in high school (late 90s/early 00s) some friends and I taped a laser pointer to a Zapper and got it just right so that it was a perfect laser sight. Then we took turns with it on Duck Hunt, from max distance, until we rolled over the score. I can't remember how long it took -- an hour? Generally agree with Dylan that Duck Hunt isn't a game for long sessions, but that's one of the fondest memories of my gaming youth.
There are some activities that are kind of tedious and repetitive, but with a friend, when trying to go for endurance, they suddenly become fun.
A much better trio of games! I’ll cop to never having played Golf, but it looks perfectly swell at doing what it does. Duck Hunt got a lot of play in our house (gray zapper crew represent), mainly because my beloved grandfather (RIP) loved playing it with us whenever he came over. And Excitebike is one I never got the hang of, as child or adult, but sure is an entertaining arcade-style racer. Good stuff man. I like how you cf. with your old Questicle reviews.
I have an old CRT screen tv only used for Duck Hunt. I laugh so hard when my nephews are blown away by the technology.
That's awesome!
Kids these days (which is a wide range the older I get) really seem to love that old tech!
That's awesome. I've never been a retro collector, but I kept my Zapper and my NES around for longer than my SNES and N64, solely to play Zapper games. I sold all my other NES titles, just keeping Duck Hunt, Hogan's Alley, and Gumshoe, since there was no other way to recreate those experiences. I didn't ditch them until around 2006-2007 when I finally moved on from my CRT.
One time in high school (late 90s/early 00s) some friends and I taped a laser pointer to a Zapper and got it just right so that it was a perfect laser sight. Then we took turns with it on Duck Hunt, from max distance, until we rolled over the score. I can't remember how long it took -- an hour? Generally agree with Dylan that Duck Hunt isn't a game for long sessions, but that's one of the fondest memories of my gaming youth.
There are some activities that are kind of tedious and repetitive, but with a friend, when trying to go for endurance, they suddenly become fun.
"There are some activities that are kind of tedious and repetitive, but with a friend, when trying to go for endurance, they suddenly become fun."
Totally agree, and I miss these types of bonding experiences with friends.
When Duck Hunt came out I felt like I was in the future. Classic game, but totally agree. Just a great tech demo ha
A much better trio of games! I’ll cop to never having played Golf, but it looks perfectly swell at doing what it does. Duck Hunt got a lot of play in our house (gray zapper crew represent), mainly because my beloved grandfather (RIP) loved playing it with us whenever he came over. And Excitebike is one I never got the hang of, as child or adult, but sure is an entertaining arcade-style racer. Good stuff man. I like how you cf. with your old Questicle reviews.
Thank you, it's crazy to see what younger Dylan thought of certain games back in the day. Golf a D-? Get out of here!
My brother, I urge you at some point to give Golf a try. It's on Nintendo Switch Online, if you have that. Very zen and relaxing.
Love that you and your grandfather bonded over Duck Hunt, that's fantastic!